Can’t find the right products for your hair? You may not know your actual hair type. Much like understanding your skin it is vital to understand your hair in order to maintain its health and shine. Hair types are much more complicated, but we’ve got some tips to help you along the way.
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Diameter of hair strands
The first place to start is by measuring the diameter of a single strand of hair. Take one strand of hair between your fingertips. Don’t feel anything? This is a sign of fine hair. If you do feel the lone strand, your hair is of medium width, and if it feels thick or textured, your hair is likely coarse. Another way to find this out is by lying your strand on a piece of white paper, if you can hardly see it it’s thin if you can see it its medium to thick.
Hair Density
Hair density refers to how much hair you actually have – the number of strands themselves and not how thick each one is. Thin diameter does not always equal thin density.To find out your hair density; take a handful of hair from the front of your head and gently pull it to the side. Is a lot of your scalp visible between the bunches of strands? If so, this means you have thin density, if you can barely see your scalp at all, your hair’s density is thick. Anything in between is medium density. For anyone with low hair density clip in extensions are your best friend. They are the perfect way to not only add length but also volume and make your hair appear thicker and healthier.
Have you ever tried stretching out a hair strand before? This is a simple way to determine the elasticity and strength of your hair. If the hair strand snaps immediately after trying to pull it between your fingers, your elasticity is low, whereas if you’re able to stretch the strand, your hair's elasticity is high. Hair elasticity is a healthy hair indicator and helps determine how well your hair can hold any styling. High elasticity hair is better able to retain shape such as curls, waves, or other hairstyles easily.
Chemical treatments with hair dyes or perming always cause some damage to the hair, no matter how healthy, it is. Before undergoing another chemical treatment, try a porosity test. Porosity is your hair’s ability to absorb moisture and product and can also help you determine the type of chemical treatments your hair can withstand. To test this fill a bowl with water and place a single strand of hair in the bowl. If your strand sinks to the bottom it has high porosity and is absorbing all the moisture. If your strand remains under the surface but floats above the bottom of the bowl, your hair is well-balanced and is of “normal” porosity. If your hair is high in porosity you may need to stay clear of styling tools for a bit and start using some nourishing oils and weekly hair treatment masks.
So now you know habit more about your hair will help you determine the type of chemical treatments your hair can withstand. For example, if you have low porosity and thin hair, it’s best to avoid extreme treatments such as bleaching as it can fry and break your hair! Happy testing queens.
Treatments tests by: Rosalyn Solomon