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We've joined up with Flamingo Candles for our #BeMoreYou campaign. #BeMoreYou is about breaking the concept of the new year, new me and loving yourself as you are and being more you.

Hey Blo Queens,

Happy New Year! 


There is something so exciting about the beginning of a New Year, a chance to make it whatever you want it to be, but equally there is so many pressures to commit to making a change, to do more, to be better, to create new goals and to stick to whatever crazy resolution you have tweeted about.  But, what if we broke this concept, what if we just made a promise to ourselves to #BeMoreYOU.

Ok, so I know this sounds a bit crazy but stick with me on this one…. What if instead of trying to ‘change’, instead of trying to conform to the worlds ‘expectations’ or be more ‘instagram perfect’ what if we focused the year ahead on loving ourselves, on accepting who we are and embracing it? What if we learnt to be proud of our uniqueness?  What if we fell in love with who we are and felt strong to show the world this is ME! 

For some of us this may seem easy, for other’s almost impossible but that is because we are all our own individual unique self.  If we all tried just a little more to love and be kind to ourselves, to accept ourselves then we would all grow a little, and a little is always a good place to start.

I love this concept because in a world where everything is so edited to perfection, were we strive to always do more, to be better,  the simplicity of this message just feels so important.  So when I sat down with the team to plan January I was so unimpressed with the New Year campaign concepts of ‘New Year New You’ - why would we want a new you? Each and everyone of you, of us, is exactly who we are supposed to be, so why would we want to promote to change that?  Surely we should be embracing that?

Maybe this is to big of a commitment to make to yourself, but maybe, just maybe a little more self love, a little more self acceptance and a little more patience with yourself could be the start of a little more happiness.

So myself and the team will be spending January taking little steps to love ourselves a little more and will be sharing this with you across our social platforms.  We have teamed up with Flamingo Candles who have made insanely good smelling candles and just incase you need a little reminder they have a #BeMoreYou stamp on them.  These are free with all orders on our website in January.


Wishing you love, happiness and endless #BeMoreYOU moments in 2019.




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